Monday, October 27, 2014

Religion and LGBTQ Equality - A Panel I'll Be Moderating on Nov 13, 2014

I'm really looking forward to this - working with The Lavender Effect (which aims to teach, celebrate and advance the future of LGBTQ History and Culture), I'll be moderating a fascinating discussion about the tipping points that bring religious communities from scapegoating through tolerance, acceptance, and ultimately to celebrating our LGBTQ lives and relationships.

The idea is to explore open and affirming congregations, who and what work is being done in our community, and how we can use that insight and knowledge to encourage more faith-based communities to affirm LGBTQ people regionally and globally.

Our panelists are pioneers in this space:
Rabbi Denise Eger, Founder of Congregation Kol Ami

Reverend Troy Perry, Founder of Metropolitan Community Churches

Mel White, Founder of Soulforce, American Clergyman and Author

Ani Zonneveld, Founder/President of Muslims for Progressive Values

Here's the flyer:

It's a free event (with a $10 suggested donation to cover costs.) For those of you in the LA area who are interested, I hope you'll join us. Tickets and details here.

And for those of you geographically elsewhere, we'll be working on expanding the conversation online!

As a Jewish spiritual Atheist myself, I'm thrilled that we're diving into this topic in a way that includes many faiths and perspectives on the role religion can have in making our world a better place for LGBTQ people, and everyone else, too.

My thanks to The Lavender Effect team helping me pull this event together: Andy Sacher (The Lavender Effect's Founding Executive and Creative Director), Ken Taylor and John Boswell.

Namaste (the light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you),

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