Monday, October 6, 2014

Looking forward to Bent-Con 2014

The folks behind Bent-Con have launched a kickstarter campaign to help make this 5th anniversary LGBTQ-focused Comic Con happen. It's going to be November 7-9th, 2014 at the Los Angeles Burbank Marriott Convention Center in Burbank, California.

With panels, exhibits and cosplay it promises to be a pretty cool event - and as Zan from Northwest Press put it in a recent email blast:

"Even though I had already spent over a decade helping to build a strong LGBT presence at Comic-Con, even though there was now programming aimed at me as a gay guy, and even though there were plenty of social events and stuff that welcomed me, I discovered that I’d never really fully unclenched, exhaled, and felt completely at home.

It’s really hard to describe the feeling of having that layer of self-consciousness—that I didn’t even know still existed!—peeled away from the comic convention experience. But Bent-Con did that for me, even when it was just a tiny show, and that feeling of freedom is the reason I’ve been such a passionate supporter of the show since then."


"...if the Internet can raise over fifty-thousand dollars for a bowl of potato salad, then we can pull together and support a grassroots queer pop culture show and ensure that it sticks around, so we can all have our own version of that warm, comfy feeling.

It's a good point.

Will you be at Bent-Con, too?


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