Friday, August 2, 2013

#LA13SCBWI - The Top Ten Things I'm Most Excited About

To celebrate the start of one of my favorite times of the year (the SCBWI Summer Conference), I thought I'd share my personal top ten things I'm most excited about...

10.  The Keynotes - I can't wait to be wowed by some major heavy-hitters!

9.  The breakout sessions - how to choose, how to choose? 

8.  The Monday intensives - I LOVE digging in deep during these.

7.  My pretty awesome Black and White Ball outfit.  No, I'm not spilling...  But I promise I'll post a pic later!

6.  The Los Angeles region meet and greet (Saturday from 12:30pm to 1:15pm, in the Bel Air room.)  We have around 300 local members attending the conference, and it's a super chance to band together and bond.  James Bond.  (No, not really, but I couldn't resist.  We do get silly sometimes!)

5.  The wonderful LGBTQ Q&A session (on Friday night, 8pm to 9pm, in the Olympic II room) that I get to host - it's such a wonderful, welcoming and friendly gathering every conference, and this time we'll be joined by the remarkable editor Emma Dryden, author Kristin Venuti and her agent Tracey Adams, bestselling author Ellen Hopkins and editor of his own imprint, Arthur A. Levine Books, Arthur Levin... all from the conference faculty!

4.  I'll be moderating the Sunday morning Agents panel on the main stage with agents Jennie Bent, Mela Bolinao, Ginger Clark, Steve Malk and Joanna Volpe.  We'll be talking about "The New World Of Children's Books" - covering industry changes, what's happening to the mid-list, backlist options, consolidation and new media opportunities.  It should be a great discussion!

3. Hanging with my Team Blog teammates:  Martha Brockenbrough, Jaime Temairik, Jolie Stekley and Suzanne Young, and all the magic this particular band of five makes happen at The Official SCBWI Conference Blog. 

2.  The unexpected moments of inspiration that always happen.  The plot breakthrough.  The character quirk.  The specific insight into how I can be a better writer.

1.  Seeing and spending time with my wonderful SCBWI conference friends (new and familiar.)   I'll be hanging out in the conference hotel lobby and at the bar poolside as much as I can.  Really, going up to your room without socializing in this remarkable island of people-who-love-things-that-are-written-and-illustrated-for-children-and-teens is like missing half of what the conference offers!  They're my community - my tribe.  And it's a joy to be with them.

It's going to be four days of non-stop craft, business, inspiration, opportunity and community... and I can't wait!

If you'll be there, make sure to say hello!



annawritedraw said...

Wish I was there! I'll be following from afar.

Unknown said...

Hi Lee,

Thank you so much for the fabulous LBGTQ Q & A tonight. I am inspired!

Jennifer Beam Cariadus