Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Banned Books Week! Sept 30-Oct 6, 2012 ... Read a Banned Book!

There are lots of ways to celebrate Banned Books Week.

One way is to check out the banned books week virtual read-out channel on youtube here.

Another is to get involved in your school or community and do a community reading of parts of different banned books - ask your librarian to help!

And still another is to get your hands on a great - and banned - book yourself, and read it!  (You can see the top banned books as compiled by the American Library Association here - the top ten for 2011 list includes the ttyl series by Lauren Myracle, The Hunger Games series by Susanne Collins, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie, What My Mother Doesn't Know by Sonya Sones and more great reads!)

You can find out more about Banned Books Week's Virtual Read-Out here, and there's a 50 states salute where each of the USA's 50 states has a video celebrating the freedom to read.

Let's celebrate our freedom to read by exercising it!


1 comment:

Susan B James said...

I just finished We are Absolutely Not OK/ which is a collection of 14 teens stories written by a high school class in Edmonds, WA. If this had been writtten in Los Angeles, it would ave been banned.