Friday, June 22, 2012

Malinda Lo Celebrates YA Pride... and we all get to join in!

Malinda Lo, author of the queer YA novels Ash (a lesbian re-telling of Cinderella) and Huntress (its sequel), is doing some great posts over at her website this month to celebrate GLBTQ Pride.

She's doing great interviews, among them:

Alex Sanchez (author of Rainbow Boys series, "The God Box" and "Boyfriends with Girlfriends)

Daisy Porter (librarian and Queer YA book review blogger at Queer YA!) It's called "FROM PROBLEM TO PRIDE: A SHORT HISTORY OF QUEER YA FICTION"and is very well done,


Kirstin Cronn-Mills (who wrote the upcoming "Beautiful Music for Ugly People" (forthcoming this October from Flux), which tells the story of an 18-year-old trans guy.  It's called "AM I ALLOWED TO WRITE THIS?" - an excellent exploration of the issues about writing an "other" minority character when you're not part of that group.

Malinda is also compiling a list of all the Queer YA fiction published first in the USA in 2012!  It's an excellent celebration of YA Pride, so go enjoy!

Thank you, Malinda!


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