Thursday, April 26, 2012

Innovations in Teaching Teachers How To Stop Bullying

Theory and research is crucial, but the question remains... how can teachers practice their skills of interacting with students and making things better and not worse when bullying, drama and bias come up in school?

One innovative answer is Encompass' program, where they use theater and improvisation (with teacher and high-school age actors) to let teachers experiment with different strategies.  The student actors even do a Q&A with the teacher session attendees to give them the improvised in-character scoop on what's going on internally from the different teen perspectives: bullies, victims, bystanders and UPstanders.

Check out this five minute podcast report about Encompass' efforts to stop anti-gay bullying with Improv:

Encompass is a remarkable organization - they also do theatrical-based student presentations -  and I'm really excited to have teamed up with them to present my Empowering Diversity program last week to teachers in the Orange County BTSA (Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment) program!

My thanks and appreciation to Lori Nelson, Encompass' Executive Director, for the opportunity, and for all she and her team do to make our world, and students' lives, better.


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