Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Chaos - A Dystopian Teen Sci Fi/Fantasy "Chock-Full of Queer Characters"

The Chaos by Nalo Hopkinson

Scotch is sixteen, of mixed-race heritage (White Jamaican and Black American), and has just moved to Toronto, Canada. 

When Toronto and the world around her erupts in chaos (a volcano rises out of Lake Ontario, jelly beans grow teeth...) she goes in search of her brother, Rich, who disappeared when she dared him to touch a giant bubble.

Calling it "chock-full of queer characters," Outer Alliance contributor Rose Fox raved about The Chaos' "amazing wheelchair-wielding Sri Lankan angry punk dyke musician who is worth the price of admission all by herself."

From the publisher's synopsis:

"A blend of fantasy and Caribbean folklore, at its heart this tale is about identity and self acceptance; because only by acknowledging her imperfections can Scotch hope to save her brother."

Add your review of "The Chaos" in comments!

1 comment:

ChristasBooks said...

I recently came across Ms. Hopkinson's work in an anthology of Caribbean fiction I worked on. I was really excited for The Chaos but I had no idea it was "chock-full of queer characters." I'm interested in seeing what roles these characters take on in the book and will be sure to link back my review after I read it!