Monday, October 17, 2011

Sex, Gender and Bathroom Signs - a fascinating article to check out

This post over at The Society Pages' Sociological Images was so interesting!

It looks at different bathroom signs across the world (with lots of photos!) and analyzes what's going on - the confusion between sex and gender,

the assumed universality of men (that they can represent "mankind") and the presumed lesser value of women (they they can only represent other women)

Where men are men and women are 'wo' -  This makes me want to spell 'women' as 'womyn!'

and most of all, that looking at how washroom signs segregate people who need to pee can be a window into how societies construct gender.

Stereotype Jackpot: The 'girl' image is thinking about shopping, and the 'boy' image is thinking about football. 

It's very thought-provoking.  I encourage you to check it out!


ps - My thanks to Sara Ryan for sharing this!


maddox said...

So interesting!

This reminds me of a picture I've seen of a diner in Santa Cruz with two non-gendered bathroom: robots & aliens! As someone who literally has to make a decision every time, I wish all bathrooms were like that.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Maddox,
I like your robots / aliens example! Awesome.

tanita✿davis said...

I love Sociological Images. They make me thinky in all the best ways.

Bathroom signs are SO random...

Cheryl Graff said...

I shared this with my college professor! Great article.