Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Registration for SCBWI's 2010 Winter Conference in NY Opens TOMORROW! SCBWI Team Blog Will Be There... Will You?

Hi everyone! I'm really excited to announce two things:

1. The 2010 Winter SCBWI (Society of Children's Books Writers and Illustrators) Conference is coming up in January... and registration starts tomorrow!!! Conference info (faculty, schedule, the amazing pre-conference writer and illustrator intensives) is now up on the SCBWI website, and online registration starts tomorrow: Wednesday, October 28th at 10 a.m. PST.

2. I'll be live-blogging and tweeting from the conference floor as part of the amazing SCBWI Team Blog!!! Here's the rest of the team:
(If it seems like we're missing one from the summer conference, you're right! The incredible Paula Yoo can't join us again on SCBWI Team Blog because she's crazy-busy writing and producing a TV show - but you can swing on by Paula's website, and her twitter place, too, and say Lee sent you.)

So stay tuned for cool announcements, exclusive pre-conference scoops, and lots and lots of great SCBWI 2010 Winter Conference moments!



Go, SCBWI Team Blog! Go!


jone said...

Don't think I can go...but maybe? Hey love the new banner. WHo did the art work.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Jone!
The conference is sure to be amazing - but if you can't make it, at least you can rest assured that we'll be blogging and tweeting about it and you'll get to have a taste of what it's all about!!!
My new logo/banner is by the amazing Jim DiBartolo, and you can see more of his work (Including the cover he did for his wife's recently national book award finalist nominated "lips touch three times") here:



ivanova said...

Woo hoo! I'll be there. I missed last year, but I was there in '07 and '08. I'm really excited that Jacqueline Woodson and Libba Bray will be presenting!


Greg Pincus said...

That's great, Lee. Team Blog deserves it... and those of us not at the conference are lucky that you'll be there.

Cuppa Jolie said...

Can't wait to reunite, Lee!

BUT, if Greg can't be there, who will we arm wrestle over???