Monday, April 6, 2009

GSA Monday Topic: Passover. Easter. Rebirth. Resurrection. Spring!

The air is changing.

Celebrations at this time of year fill the calendar from our pagan past to the organized religious pagentry of Jews and Christians today, from matzah to chocolate bunnies, all to ritualize and acknowledge that a new springtime is upon us.

What about each of us, inside?

How can we take the opportunity to celebrate this renewal for ourselves?

Each day is a new chance to be the person we truly want to be. A new chance to, as Mahatma Gandhi said, be the change we want to see in the world. A new chance to be authentic.

So while you're admiring the crocuses poking out of the snow, or smelling the shift in the air, or looking at the buds on the trees, or eating fried matzah, or hunting for those easter eggs...

Think about what makes it spring inside you?

As for me, I'm going to be trying something new here on this blog... (stay tuned, I'll be announcing it in May!)

How about you? It's Spring! How are YOU going to bloom?

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