Wednesday, August 26, 2020

NO WAY, THEY WERE GAY? (My Middle Grade Nonfiction Coming April 2021) Gets a Shout-Out In Publishers Weekly!

This was exciting!

Publishers Weekly did a feature last month called "Spring 2021 Children's Sneak Previews" where they go publisher-by-publisher, imprint-by-imprint, and highlight just a few (two or three) stand-out upcoming titles for kids and teens for the readership of Publishers Weekly (over 68,000 booksellers, publishers, public and academic librarians, wholesalers, distributors, educators, agents and writers.)

and there, in the listing for LERNER/ZEST...

"No Way, They Were Gay?: Hidden Lives and Secret Loves by Lee Wind, which examines primary source letters, poems, and more to rethink the lives and loves of historical figures."


We've been waiting a looooooong time for this to finally come out. This is one more exciting step on that journey.

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

1 comment:

KarolinaS said...

YAY!! Congrats on the mention and I can't wait to read your book!