Monday, January 14, 2019

#QueerHistoryIsEverywhere - Play Along On Instagram! #queerasafivedollarbill

Have you ever noticed how Abraham Lincoln is everywhere?

Not just on the Mount Rushmore, and all those U.S. pennies and five-dollar bills, but on street signs,

Like this one, spotted in the Chesnut Hill neighborhood outside of Philadelphia!

On Schools,

Like Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, California

and even in the London airport!

Our gay friend Lincoln is everywhere!

As you may know, Abraham Lincoln's letters to Joshua Fry Speed—letters that make it pretty clear that Abraham loved Joshua—are the secret from history that inspired my debut YA novel, Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill.

So now, join me over on Instagram and let's tag both




Because reminders of men who loved men in history - specifically, Abraham and Joshua - are everywhere, and that's a great thing to point out!

It helps to counter the false narrative that the only people who mattered in history were straight, white, rich, cis-gendered, and able-bodied men.

And, it's a nice way to spread the word about this novel that's all about empowering LGBTQ teens and their allies!

Thanks for playing along,

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


Karol Ruth Silverstein said...

Of course you know I logged many miles on Lincoln Drive as a kid! I, alas, am sTILL not on Instagram but I wish your campaign the utmost success!

Karol Ruth Silverstein said...

Of course you know I logged many miles on Lincoln Drive as a kid! I am, alas, still not on Instagram (I know I need to rectify that) but I wish you tremendous success with this campaign!