Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"I hope that 'Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill' becomes a bestseller" - Lyn Miller Lachmann Shouts Out To My Novel in her Blog Post, "Rebellious Books"!

This essay, and the very kind things Lyn says about "Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill", were really amazing!


courageous small presses and individual writers publishing themselves will be the source of most stories of resistance in the future, and that reviewers, educators, librarians, and book buyers need to take a far more open-minded attitude toward these upstarts.


While many look down on self-published books as inferior in terms of writing and production quality, I found Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill to be superior on both counts.


One of the key tasks of allies is to amplify marginalized voices not only by broadcasting those voices on social media but also by creating original works such as reviews and blog posts in support. Amplification often has more effect when it comes from someone who can introduce own voices work to the outsider’s community. This is especially true when a marginalized author has been shut out of mainstream publishing and has had to go it alone to have their voice heard. And it is even more true today, when a would-be dictator and his collaborators seek to erase transgender people who have also lived in every society in every period of history. I hope that Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill becomes a bestseller and have been heartened by the reaction I’ve received so far to my review on The Pirate Tree. I hope it encourages others to explore the hidden histories and bring those stories to all of us.

Thank you, Lyn!

You can read the full piece here.

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,


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