Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Did you know that Emma González is the president of Parkland High School's GSA?

This article by Beth Greenfield at Yahoo Lifestyle, March for Our Lives and gay activism: 'They're definitely linked for me,' says Emma González, is well-worth reading. Emma is the teen whose "We call B.S." speech went viral right after the shooting at her high school killed 17 of her fellow students.

Some highlights:

"She [Emma] then told the Washington Post that she identifies as bisexual, and suddenly her fierce badassery just made that much more sense for a whole lot of people, particularly fellow LGBTQ folks and queer activists for whom self-identity and a willingness to stand up for justice have long been inextricably linked."

and Emma speaking about the inspiration of "transgender activist Sylvia Rivera, a veteran of the 1969 Stonewall uprising, widely known as the start of the gay-rights movement."

Emma says:

“There’s this clip of her getting up onstage at one of the Stonewall Pride rallies, a couple years [after the uprising], and … everybody boos her because she’s trans. But she’s like, ‘Are you kidding me? You’re gay. I’m trans. We’re part of this. Like, I got you here. How many times have I had to fight for you? And you’re booing me because I’m trans?’” the teen says. “First of all, it was so unfair, unjustified, undignified, like, I was so infuriated by seeing that. But then there’s just knowing that there will always be people that hate you, and that they’re always going to be wrong. So it’s good to use that, and remember that whatever you’re doing, if it’s making people that mad, then it’s probably a good thing.”

Read the whole article here.

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

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