Friday, July 7, 2017

It's Here! #LA17SCBWI! The 2017 SCBWI Summer Conference!

*tosses biodegradable confetti*

There's so much great stuff in store over the next four days, but here are some highlights that I'm really jazzed about:

Friday's LGBTQ + Allies Q&A Social
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Once again I'll host this warm and friendly gathering, with special conference faculty guests! If you're writing and/or illustrating content for kids with LGBTQ characters and themes, this is the place to find your tribe-within-the-tribe.

Saturday's Diversity Social
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Putting together the engine of SCBWI and the diversity fuel of #WeNeedDiverseBooks, let's tune up our ride, work as a team, and break some speed records on achieving more diversity in children's and teen literature!

Four days with my fellow children's book writers and illustrators and agents and editors and publishers and art directors and industry peeps!

Getting Inspired
All those keynotes! All those craft sessions! All those panels!
I can't wait.

I'm honored to be leading SCBWI Team Blog in live-blogging the conference at and updating social media (for me, mainly twitter) with the hashtag #LA17SCBWI.

Here's the full team:

Thanks for letting me share!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

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