Friday, January 20, 2017

#TheFirst100DaysofResistance - Counter-Programming the 1st 100 days of President Trump

Hi community!

For the next 100 days, over on Twitter and Facebook (and maybe Instagram too), I'll be highlighting 100 nonprofits and mission-driven organizations that we should support. Groups that will hold the line, and hold the values we cherish about America:
That Liberty and Justice for ALL means ALL

That women should control their own bodies

That the Golden Rule is not about who has the most gold

That the environment should be protected

That education is important

That gun control is necessary

And that people of color, LGBTQ people, people of every faith (and no faith), disabled people, and women should be respected -- in person and by the law.

Today, Day #1, is the ACLU, the American Civil Liberties Union, dedicated to "defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States."

Here's a screen shot of their website:

And the link:

And check out their very cool #PeoplesOath project.

Support them. Spread the word. And be part of the resistance.

I'm taking suggestions for nonprofits and mission-driven organizations to highlight - you can share your top five with me here in comments, by email, or on social media.


We'll get through this, together.

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