Monday, October 3, 2016

Putting out the call to Editors and Agents who want more diversity in their submissions!

In an effort to be more democratic about this, I'm putting out the call.

Children's and Teen literature agents and editors - if you believe in #WeNeedDiverseBooks, and if you want to see more diversity in the submissions you receive, and you would like to do an interview here on this blog about diversity (like the twenty AGENTS LOOKING FOR DIVERSITY and EDITORS LOOKING FOR DIVERSITY interviews that have been done so far - check out the column to the right) then please be in touch.

My email is leewind (at) roadrunner (dot) com

I look forward to hearing from you, and to this series continuing proudly on to help amplify unheard voices, open up more opportunity for diverse authors and illustrators -- and for creators working on under-represented stories, and to make kid lit even better!

The light in me recognizes and acknowledges the light in you,

p.s.: To avoid the potential awkwardness of me having to vet people, please help me by vetting yourself if you haven't presented at a SCBWI conference in your current capacity... Note that to be included, agents need to have at least three kidlit deals that are publicly listed (i.e., somewhere like publishers marketplace) and editors need to work for a company that doesn't publish just their own books (i.e, at least three other kidlit authors.) Thanks for your understanding!

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