Saturday, October 10, 2015

Resources If You Were At My #CASC15 Session "Interventions for LGBTQ Youth" (and even if you weren't!)

I want to thank my co-presenter at this weekend's California Association of School Counselors 2015 Conference, Palisades Charter High School Counselor Jill Barker, and the more than 60 school counselors from all over California who attended and participated with so much engagement and good energy!

Again, my apologies for not having enough handouts to go around, but the reason for the problem (more counselors than we expected showing up who wanted to learn how to better help and support the LGBTQ youth in their schools) was wonderful!

As to the two handouts, 

here's a link to the Gender Unicorn.

For the Shakespeare and Sappho handout, just pop me a quick email at leewind (at) roadrunner (dot) com and I'll send you that pdf. (Or, leave your email address in the comments section, below.)

The resources Jill, myself and your fellow counselors shared:

The article by Mitali Perkins discussing how books can be mirrors and doors is here.

And here's the wonderful piece by Lisa Egan that I read the first part of, I'm Not A "Person With A Disability": I'm a Disabled Person, that discusses the social model of disability.

The American Library Association's Rainbow List website, listing the best books each year for kids and teens with LGBTQ characters and themes is here.

And the handful of books I brought to illustrate the power of books to spark conversations and be those mirrors and doors were:

Board Book:

Mommy, Mama, and Me
by Lesléa Newman, illustrated by Carol Thompson
(An essential, simple board book - there's also a Daddy, Papa and Me one.)

Picture Books:

And Tango Makes Three
by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell, illustrated by Henry Cole
(This is the book that's been in the top 10 of the most challenged books in American for years and years!)

This Day In June
by Gayle E. Pitman, illustrated by Kristyna Litten
(A Pride parade book with an extensive readers guide, won the ALA's 2015 Stonewall Book Awards – Mike Morgan and Larry Romans Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award!)

Snutt the Ift 
by Helen Ward
This is the Intergalactic, Gender-Free Love Story, and it's the one published by Little Pickle Press, where I now work!

Middle Grade Books:

by Raina Telgemeier
(A graphic novel, super-sweet)

Better Nate Than Ever
by Tim Federle
(Funny and brave and VERY Broadway)

Young Adult (older-skewing)

by Ellen Hopkins
Tough-hitting novel in verse, brilliant.

I'll Give You The Sun
by Jandy Nelson
Gorgeous writing and twins (one gay, one not) struggling to deal with grief and life and... they'll stay with you long after you've read it!

Organizations mentioned that offer additional great resources and opportunities to engage with young people about LGBTQ equality to help shift the culture at your school:

GLSEN - The Gay Lesbian & Straight Education Network

GSA Network - The Gay-Straight Alliance Network (with a lot of resources and advice on starting a GSA at your school)

PFLAG - Parents, Families and Friends and Allies United with LGBTQ People to move equality forward!

Trans Student Educational Resources


No Name-Calling Week

National Coming Out Day - October 11

Ally Week 

Day of Silence

Harvey Milk Day here in California

The Trevor Project and their TrevorSpace online community for young people. They also have a crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline for LGBTQ Youth: 866-488-7386

GSA Monday posts here at this blog with conversation prompts (including some curated youtube videos that are really thought-provoking and/or just amazing!)

LGBTQ Pride Month is June

October is LGBTQ History Month

While compiling this list, I realized there were three organizations that didn't get mentioned but that are well-worth checking out:

The Human Rights Campaign,

Gender Spectrum


Trans Youth Family Allies.

There it is! Glad you stopped by, and if you have any further questions, email me or leave a comment.

Thanks again!

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