Monday, September 1, 2014

Back To School - Show Your Pride, And Show Your Support!

It's a new school year, and now is a great moment for each of us to ask ourselves:

How am I standing up in support of LGBTQ Kids and Teens?

Whether we ourselves are LGBTQAI, Questioning or Ally, how do others in the rainbow of our community know that we are a safe person?

Do we stop others from putting down Queer people?
Like calling someone on it if they say 'that's so gay' in a negative way?

Do we speak up and include LGBTQAI subjects, news, culture, history and books when we can?

Is there a GSA at our school?
If not, can we be part of creating one?
If yes, how can we get involved?

Do we have Safe Space identifiers for the spaces we control?
For teachers and librarians, this can be a Safe Space Sticker or other materials from GLSEN or HRC displayed in your classroom, or on your car.
For youth (and adults, too), this can be as simple - and powerful - as wearing a rainbow bracelet.

Here's my new rainbow bracelet, made for me by my awesome daughter...

Here's to a great 2014-2015 school year ahead: and let's all of us show our Pride and Support!

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thank you for this post--a great reminder for educators to be intentional about both creating a safe space and making that safe space visible.