Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stand With Nigeria's LGBTQ & Allied Community

The online petition to stop the anti-LGBT "terror" in Nigeria

Nigeria just passed a new extreme anti-gay law. It includes:

14 years for anyone in a same-sex marriage or civil union
10 years for anyone who attends a same-sex wedding
10 years for anyone involved with an LGBT organisation
10 years for anyone who shows affection for someone of the same sex

Since the law was signed, many people have been arrested, including more than a dozen arrested and arraigned in Bauchi. The Nigerian LGBT community and their straight allies are living in fear.

We can't stay silent as this atrocity continues – sign now to get leaders in Nigeria to help stop this anti-LGBT terror. Help put an end to the hate, and join me by signing this petition!


We call on you to:
Stop all cases of arrests and persecution of people based on perceived or real sexual orientation.
Investigate and prosecute cases of incitement to violence against LGBT people
Ensure access to justice for victims of mob justice and arbitrary arrests.
This Friday March 7, 2014, "incredibly brave Nigerians will deliver this petition to officials in their country. Will your name be on it to show you’re standing with them?"

It's happening on Friday at the same time as protests against Nigeria's outrageous new anti-gay law take place in Amsterdam, Johannesburg, London, New York, Stockholm, Washington DC, and many more

Let's stand up with and for the Nigerian LGBTQ and Allied Community!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These laws are terrible. Thank you so much for not only raising awareness but offering opportunities to try to do something about these issues.