Friday, November 2, 2012


Voting in the USA takes place on Tuesday November 6, 2012.

We'll be voting for President, but there are lots of other contests across the country that are important.

If you're old enough to vote and a citizen, VOTE!

If you can't vote yourself, help someone else get to the polls.  Can you babysit for a half hour to let an adult have the time to vote?  Can you help get an older person to their voting place?

Most important - and everyone can do this - talk to people.  Talk to your parents, your grandparents, your friends.  Let them know the issues that matter for you, and share with them your hopes (and even your fears) for the future.  Let them know how every vote counts.

In particular, as GLBTQ and allied people, there is a lot at stake in this election, and I join my Kid Lit colleagues on blogs across the web in urging everyone to take part in this election and participate!

Why I Vote?

To Make Things Better for Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans and Queer Youth and their Allies!
Be sure to check out the master list of kid lit bloggers sharing their #WhyIVote stories at Colleen Mondor's blog, Chasing Ray.

Some resources for you:

An insightful article by Jonathan Rauch on Salon, GOP: Gays Out of the Party, about the stark difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama in terms of gay rights.

The League of Women Voters

Stonewall Democrats

Log Cabin Republicans 

Mitt Romney was a High School Bully... Does That Matter?

The ACLU's "Get Ready To Vote" resource

Electorially Yours,

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