Monday, August 20, 2012

Lancelot and the Wolf - Historical Fantasy Where Lancelot and King Arthur are in Love!

Lancelot and the Wolf by Sarah Luddington

This first book in her "The Knights of Camelot" series is a new spin on an old story, this time from Lancelot's perspective...

He begins the story a broken man, banished and punished for betraying his King, but he must return because Arthur’s life is threatened by dark forces. When he does gain the King’s ear once more, it is clear things between the men are no longer the same. The brutality of their separation finally forces them to confront their love. Lancelot discovers that despite there being many, many women in his life, his future happiness lies in the arms of a man.

While Arthur and Lancelot face terrible enemies, who drive them and their friends to the brink of madness and death, they also have to wrestle with their growing passion.
That's the author speaking about her book, in an interview here.

Sarah's gotten a lot of flak for daring to write a queer Lancelot, and she responded brilliantly.

"People seemed outraged that I could suggest that King Arthur and Lancelot were in a gay relationship," Luddington said in a press release on Monday. "Yet when one looks more deeply into the original legends the undercurrent is clearly there. There had to be more to that love triangle than the simple infidelity of Guinevere."

Sarah has also released a special edition of her novel and will donate the royalties to Stonewall, a gay charity in the U.K.

Please note that this book is self-published by the author via Mirador publishing and was not put out as a teen title. Add your review of "Lancelot and the Wolf" in comments.


Book Dragon said...

I wonder how many of us downloaded the book because it was free without looking too closely at it.

I wonder how many will move it up the tbr list because of the gay content.

Jorel said...

I haven't read the book so please correct me if I'm wrong. From some of the reviews I've read on it, apparently it contains LOTS of sex/borderline erotica. If so, this book would be inappropriate to glbtq teens.

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Hi Jorel - have not read this yet myself either, but thought both the story and the backlash against its content worth sharing. I will note above that it was not published as a teen title, and let readers decide for themselves. I did find lots of reviews for it up at goodreads:

Any readers who have read it yet and can comment on the adult content?
