Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brent, A 15 year old, Talks About Being Gay, Books, and What Librarians Need To Do!

Blogger, Book Reviewer, And Teen Extraordinaire

So I had the wonderful treat of hearing about this amazing article Brent wrote over at Janet Trumble's Pinched Nerves Blog from a few different people.

It's on books and reading, on being gay, and on the importance of GLBTQ Teen Lit for all teens - and how librarians have a responsibility to have those books available!

Brent had to deal with such prejudice from his school librarian (who told him his interest in GLBTQ teen books was "inappropriate") - and then he tells about successfully lobbying his local public library to finally carry two titles with queer characters!

Brent is a hero - right now, out there - reading, writing, blogging, and living his life as an openly gay Teen.

Go read his article. And check out his blog and book reviews over at Naughty Book Kitties.

Thank you, Brent. You totally inspire me.



Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Brent to wake up (teenager, you know) and see his pic on your blog, Lee. You're a hero to him! And me!

Lee Wind, M.Ed. said...

Aww, thanks Janet - we've got a mutual admiration society thing going here - hey! That's what we call "community!"