Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The God Box

By Alex Sanchez

Paul's a High School Senior. He knows he's Gay, but being a Bible Belt Christian he prays to Jesus to change him. Enter Manuel, openly Gay AND Christian.

It rocks Paul's world. Maybe he doesn't have to choose between the two most important parts of himself: his sexuality, and his spirituality.

Or, does he?

I got to hear Alex read three different sections from "The God Box" and I was really moved by its honesty and the main character Paul's inner turmoil. Heartfelt. Brave. Passionate.

Read more about Alex Sanchez here. And add your review of this book in "comments!"


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this book. Here is my review that I wrote for our library youth services blog:

Paul is not gay! He prays every night for God to take away the attraction he feels for guys and transfer it to his long-time girlfriend Angie. So far, Paul has done a pretty good job keeping his feelings in check, but then he meets Manuel. When openly gay Manuel comes on the scene, he challenges everything in which Paul and his conservative high school believe. Will Paul decide to suppress his feelings for Manuel and live the “Christian” lifestyle? Or can he choose to be both gay and Christian?
Alex Sanchez has written a story that demonstrates the struggles of gay religious teens. Paul is a engaging character and the reader will cheer for him to find peace with his issues and learn to love himself. I think this is a wonderful book for all teens, but particularly for gay and straight religious teens who would find Sanchez’s reconciliation of sexual identity and religiosity encouraging.
I loved this book. Although, in some cases, the characters were slightly stereotypical, that did not hinder the story. It was a quick read that presented well researched, thought-provoking arguments challenging the Christian position against homosexuality

Sherrie said...

This is a favorite of mine, here is my LibraryThing review:

"Outstanding book exploring the internal conflict of a high school senior boy who is both strongly Christian and becoming more aware each day of his homosexuality. This book is enthusiastically recommended for high school libraries. There are many topics to discuss here, from religious intolerence to Gay-Straight Alliance clubs to forgiveness and the loss of a parent. No matter what your sexual preference, this book will make you think about your choices and prejudices."